Whitening, Is it for You?
A common request from patients at Charlottesville Dental Health Partners is “I would like to lighten (whiten) my teeth”. With all of the vices in our daily life (Coffee, Wine, Tea, Soda) plus the natural darkening of our teeth as we age (EEKK), our teeth can darken seemingly overnight. Lightening your teeth is one of the simplest and most dramatic things that one can do for their teeth.
Halloween Candy
I have always loved Halloween. I know that is a contradiction for a dentist to admit, and no, it is not because of all the candy drumming up business. I have always loved the excitement of the day; how kids dress up and celebrate while teens watch their favorite scary movie. While this year may be a bit different due to COVID, there inevitably will be candy associated with Halloween.
Team Spotlight: Mandy
Meet our newest member of team hygiene: Mandy!! She was kind enough to share some insight with us about her likes, dislikes, and the one thing she cannot resist!!
Covid and Dental Care Q&A
A few weeks ago, we had some questions posed to us through social media pertaining to protective measures in the office for COVID. We wanted to share these questions and attempt to answer them.
Momma T, ZZ Top and the dust mop…..
If you have visited CDHP in the last 30 years, it is likely that you have gotten a confirmation call from, met, chatted, shared a laugh with, received a cup of coffee and/or a hug from (pre-covid obviously) the face of the front office, our beloved Teresa!
Team Spotlight: Paula K
This week we took a moment to chat with one of our superstar hygiene team members, Paula K. She is known around the office for her talents with tie dye, skills at ceramics, and delicious pretzel salad (a frequent request at our birthday lunches).
Fun fact: Paula has been at the office for over 35 years!
CDHP and Covid
As we all navigate what our new “normal” looks like we wanted to take a few moments to fill you in on the safety measures we have taken here at CDHP to protect both our patients and staff.
Team Spotlight: Angie
This week, we highlight another of our all star team members, Angie. She wears many hats around the office working chairside with Dr. Paukert, ordering supplies for the clinical staff, and is a professional on the griddle (she has surprised the staff with pancake breakfasts and grilled cheese lunches while still expertly maintaining her daily office duties).